Elementary Classroom
6 - 12 year olds
In the previous plane of development the young child acquired a functional capacity. Between the ages of 6-12 the child requires a new challenge in the form of abstract and critical thought. The elementary aged child is an industrious learner, hungry for finding out as much as possible about the world.
To meet the needs of the developing intellect, this aged child must be offered intriguing information and correlating modes of action. Science, anthropology, history, social studies, abstract math and grammar are now areas the child is eager to invest themselves in.
The elementary child is interested in developing their sense of morality and justice. The classroom guide helps the students to arrive at mutually agreed upon rules to create a respectful and collaborative culture.
The adults in this environment must provide for a voracious learner with an insatiable curiosity and deep concern with matters of moral justice creating a social dynamic that supports the growth of community.